Monday, August 31, 2015

Followup on Colon

Well not that anyone is reading. LOL But my colon scope was a success. Thirty minutes and you are out of there.  All that sitting and waiting.  Then when you go into the room, it goes quick.  One of the nurses said, we work very fast, I said, not too fast I hope.  One of my polyps was precancerous and one was not.  They burn them out.  So now every three year, I will have a check up called a colon scope.

Enough about that.  I was reading my "Jesus Calling" devotional, when I saw this passage, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that." James 4:15  One of my friends would always say, if it is the Lords will, we will do bible school together.  I would think, what does she mean by that?  Now I know why she said that.  Maybe you should ask your Christian friends, why they say things the way they do.  Speak in word of truth is what the Lord said, I think this was in John 17:17.  Sometimes I will telling something and then later I will see the scripture it came from.
Read the Word of God so that it may come out of your mouth.

I know some things that may come out of your mouth are not from God.  I am a living testimony to that.  We have a new neighbor who is a pastor.  I told some of my friends, it is like having Jesus live next to you. If you walk out of your house saying something you shouldn't, you are looking around to make sure no one is listening. Guess we should remember, God is always listening. Whether it is something we should not be saying or whether it is a prayer, He hears it all!

This will be a short blog, so let me finish with this: "Do you not know?  Have you not heard?  The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.  He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.  He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.  Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.  Isaiah 40:28-31

Friday, August 7, 2015


This Year had many twist and turns, from the changing of a new year, to a realty check of how old I am.

While still feeling like I'm 20, lol  Pains from exercising and not being as spunky as I was in my 20's, has had a reality check on me. With my parents both gone, and my husbands parents ageing rapidly, more time spent on them, sometimes then us it seems.  It causes me to look at what we need to be doing.

It seems we are not getting away as much as we did with the demands of job, family, parents and life in general.

However, checking out our health is important. With that said, here is what we did.  My hubby and I were clever and book Doctor appointments on the same date. Because we live in a small town we had to go out of town for those appointments.   Hubby drop me off early at my appointment, due to his Dr being on the complete opposite side of town.  One never knows how long you will have to wait to be seen by a Doctor..

As I waited the usual events happened, pay my Co pay and then be called for my procedure.  I had time to look at plenty of magazines. Then the clock was ticking and soon it was almost time for me to go in for my colonoscopy.  But wait, my husband wasn't back from his appointment, would I be going in alone.  Just as they called my name and I approached the nurse, the entry door open, and to my relief it was my hubby.  Handed him my purse and off to the room to get prepped.  Basically getting your gown on for the procedure.

Now this was the longest day of my life. I had been there since 9:00 am and went in at 12:30 p.m.
Finally my turn to go in and have GI and colonoscopy. Out and then before you know it, in a room and there was my hubby.  Doctor walks in and hands hubby pictures and said, you have two polyps, biopsy will return in a few days. Everything is ok...WHAT...I am sad, while normal for others you see, my dad had cancerous polyps since he was 40 years old.  So now I'm basically waiting...I tried not to cry, a few tears...but sucked it up, so to speak.  So now I'm in God's hands and guess what, I was in His hands before I went in.  From the time my husband dropped me off, to the time my husband made it in time to see me before I went in...

I will try to update my blog and let you'll know my story.

Here is one fact You get you parents genetics, who's I have more of, my mom's or my dad's will eventually show up...Let pray not my dads in this case.  Diet is important, but then there is genetics!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Best Gift of All

The best part of my Christmas is my granddaughter.  Kids love everything about Christmas.  It even makes us older people spunky again.

I hate shopping.  I never know what to get people and I'm over concerned about if they will like it.  I alway put gift receipts with presents to releave the fear. LOL

Just spending time with me, would be a good gift for my family to give me.  I like just going to a movie or out to eat.  Even a drive in town to see Christmas Lights. Drink some hot chocolate. 

I seem to feel really crafty while cleaning.  Maybe that is why the cleaning is not getting done.

Have a Merry Christmas and spend time with your family, that is the best gift of all.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

New beginnings.

Forgot I had a blog page.  Guess that tells you how much I am into blogging.  Also I only have two friends.

I am so excited for one of my friends who is getting married for the second time.  One because I get to be in a wedding at the age of 55, the other thing is I'm happy for the couple to be.

Life has many turns and sometimes we don't know which way the turn is.  That makes life interesting.  I thing remembering that God is in control of our lives and that we are put by people not by accident is important also.

I lived less then 5 miles away from my friend and never ever met her.  It wasn't until we met in Corpus that we became friend.  I think that is funny.

Anyway excited about my friends wedding and getting to be part of her new life and all the adventures will bring.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Past

As many of us have enjoyed Christmas with all it's blessing: Family, new Grandbaby, Having our Parents & Children, Having a Job, Not lacking for Food our want.

Today a piece of the past came up.  Was it from God...  Terry, my husband googled my dad's name to show him how easy it is to find people and info about their family.

With that said, Many of you do not know I lost My brother who was 6 years older then me. He was around 23 or 24 years old just starting life. I was in college. He was murdered in Houston by people stealing cars, vans and chopping them and resale among other things.  As he went to see his wife at Joske's (I believe that's how you spell the store.) He was obducted and murdered in May of 77 or 78.

My husband found today on Google My brothers murder trial information.  I ask to see where he had found it.  It was so long ago, yet to hear the information again was hard. 

As I go through life, I sometimes wish I had my brother to help me make decisions as my parents go through the end of their life.  My mom is gone now and my dad has health issues. 
My dad is so strong and stays positive,  even though it must have been hard to lose his only son, David Harry Samsel.  My brothers middle name was after my Dad's first name. 

I guess in a way my dad knows how Mary felt losing her first son, (Correction) God's only son, because he lost his.

The happy part of this all is, I know someday we will all see each other, because of our faith in Jesus Christ, God's son.  I know my brother called on the Lord in many times of trouble, through flat tire and broken down cars as a teenager, and I know at the time of his death, who else would he have to turn to when no one else was there.  The Lord is always there.

So at this time of year turn your eyes on the one true thing in life, Jesus Christ.

Merry Christmas & God bless.  

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Adult Children

Many of you are about the same age as my husband and I, or maybe you are the age of adult children.
My children are in their early 20's or late 20's.  How time flies.

Today as I watch them going through the same struggles I went through as a young adult, I did what most parents of young adults do, worry.  So when I started to do that, I picked up my Journey Devotional and read one of the days devotional. To my surprise, why it should be a surprise,  I do not know...God is always faithful to hear our hearts troubles.  It was about adult children and what parents can do for them.  Can we give them advice?  Can we solve their problems for them?  Are we in charge of their lives?  The answer to all these questions is No. Much like all of us when we were young, they have to figure it out for themselves.

What can we do as parents to adult children.  The best thing ever, Pray.  My devotion talked about a mother who stuck a note on the bowls her children used when growing up.  She simply put the note with the word written on it Pray. My devotion said, When we pray we are petitioning the King of kings, Stormie Omartin says in her book The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children that "while you cannot change anything in your adult child's life, God can change everything."  Rather than fret about your adult children commit to pray for them consistently.  

Well how did God know what I was worrying about? 
I guess He really does hear our cries and remember Life really does mattter even if your matter has three t's.  Live, Laugh & Love others.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Well here is my first blog.  I have never blogged, and only have read a few.  I am in the middle of the road age group you might say over 50. So, hey, why not!
I have a lot to say about nothing and nothing to say about a lot. I am average to myself, but much available, useful and hopefully helpful to many.  Here is why I say that.  As of Last January 2010 I quit my job of 11 years, either I have great faith or I’m crazy.  I think  I’m priceless. Lol
People I am priceless to:
My dad has had cancer issues for several years.  Gets rid of one and another one pops up. Yes, that stinks!  He is still active and has all of his abilities at 86 years of age.  A tough cookie you might say.  He inspires my husband and I to keep moving as we get older, no matter what illness may strike or what life brings you. 
My youngest son & daughter-in-law  just had their first baby,  my first grandbaby.   If you are a grandparent , you know how exciting that is.  We just didn’t have any baby, we had a micro preemie, arriving December 28 at 25 weeks, weighing 1lb, 11oz. Lily Claire.  She was dismissed from the NICU after 3 months, which is really quick compared to some babies.  She is a work in progress, growing more physically and developmentally, she is a fighter now weighing 9lbs.
My husband works at a plant that mines above ground coal.  Twelve hour rotating shifts.  They call them rotating, because after working twelve hours, you feel like you are rotating around.  (Well I thought my joke was funny.)   If you have ever worked 12 hours, you know what I mean.  He is off sometimes in the middle of the week.  When I worked, some weeks he would be leaving to work and  I would be getting home from work.  We would just say Hi, Bye.
My oldest son works really hard.  From time to time visits and needs a listening ear.  It is always nice to have someone who will listen and not make stupid remarks.  Since I am a mother, sometimes that is a hard task to remember.
Well as you can see I am priceless and this is my first blog.  Hope you like.  I’m not an English major, but I do have something to say.  Hey if people can listen to Rush Limbaugh, my blog might even be better then that.
Until next time remember “Life Matters” and so do you.