Thursday, May 19, 2011


Well here is my first blog.  I have never blogged, and only have read a few.  I am in the middle of the road age group you might say over 50. So, hey, why not!
I have a lot to say about nothing and nothing to say about a lot. I am average to myself, but much available, useful and hopefully helpful to many.  Here is why I say that.  As of Last January 2010 I quit my job of 11 years, either I have great faith or I’m crazy.  I think  I’m priceless. Lol
People I am priceless to:
My dad has had cancer issues for several years.  Gets rid of one and another one pops up. Yes, that stinks!  He is still active and has all of his abilities at 86 years of age.  A tough cookie you might say.  He inspires my husband and I to keep moving as we get older, no matter what illness may strike or what life brings you. 
My youngest son & daughter-in-law  just had their first baby,  my first grandbaby.   If you are a grandparent , you know how exciting that is.  We just didn’t have any baby, we had a micro preemie, arriving December 28 at 25 weeks, weighing 1lb, 11oz. Lily Claire.  She was dismissed from the NICU after 3 months, which is really quick compared to some babies.  She is a work in progress, growing more physically and developmentally, she is a fighter now weighing 9lbs.
My husband works at a plant that mines above ground coal.  Twelve hour rotating shifts.  They call them rotating, because after working twelve hours, you feel like you are rotating around.  (Well I thought my joke was funny.)   If you have ever worked 12 hours, you know what I mean.  He is off sometimes in the middle of the week.  When I worked, some weeks he would be leaving to work and  I would be getting home from work.  We would just say Hi, Bye.
My oldest son works really hard.  From time to time visits and needs a listening ear.  It is always nice to have someone who will listen and not make stupid remarks.  Since I am a mother, sometimes that is a hard task to remember.
Well as you can see I am priceless and this is my first blog.  Hope you like.  I’m not an English major, but I do have something to say.  Hey if people can listen to Rush Limbaugh, my blog might even be better then that.
Until next time remember “Life Matters” and so do you.