Tuesday, August 13, 2013

New beginnings.

Forgot I had a blog page.  Guess that tells you how much I am into blogging.  Also I only have two friends.

I am so excited for one of my friends who is getting married for the second time.  One because I get to be in a wedding at the age of 55, the other thing is I'm happy for the couple to be.

Life has many turns and sometimes we don't know which way the turn is.  That makes life interesting.  I thing remembering that God is in control of our lives and that we are put by people not by accident is important also.

I lived less then 5 miles away from my friend and never ever met her.  It wasn't until we met in Corpus that we became friend.  I think that is funny.

Anyway excited about my friends wedding and getting to be part of her new life and all the adventures will bring.

1 comment:

  1. I have not figured out spell check so be kind.
    New blogger Learning.
